Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I Love May (by Martin)

Going to the waterpark,
Playground and
Petting zoo.

Bike riding,
Jumping on my trampoline,
And playing with the neighbourhood kids.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

May (by Quinn)

Daffodils, daisies,
Green grass, baseball and running.
Lemonade and popsicles,
Playing in my yard.

The Butterfly Gardens in Victoria (by Penelope)

Penelope shares the following comment and photos of her May trip to Victoria.
"We went to the Butterfly Gardens in Victoria and we saw pretty fish swimming in the water, beautiful birds flying around and singing, and butterflies with pretty colours."

Butterfly Spring Tea Party (by Irene)

Irene shares her drawing of what 'May' means to her.  

Monday, May 06, 2013

Marvelous May

My oh my...marvelous May is here!!  May is a month of bright colours, sunshine and warmth, longer days and starry nights.  Family barbeques....and fresh cut lawns. It's a time to have some fun, be creative and imaginative.  Take a few minutes, think about May and let's see what pictures, words, tunes, spring to mind.  Then turn it into a fun piece of writing, poem, slogan, saying, picture, cartoon...whatever you want and let's blog it!

M   mmmm, barbeque dinners
A    rrangements of freshly cut tulips
Y    ikes....
                  mosquitoes already?

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Signs of Spring in Vancouver (from Casey)

This is the road around my park that is next to my apartment.
These are the trees that me and my mom saw planted two Januaries ago. They are a little bit big now but they are still the ones that we saw planted two whole years ago.

This is the park next to my apartment. This is the park caretaker’s garden.
It’s always beautiful because she takes so much care of it and she looks after it. Every year she gives us some flowers.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Signs of Spring in Chungbuk, Korea (from Judan)

Bright, yellow magnolia buds, an orchard coming to life, and drawing sand pictures in the warmth of the sun are signs of spring that Judan enjoys in Korea.

Signs of Spring on Bowen Island (from Irene)

Irene writes 'I like baby animals being born in the spring---chicks, squirrels, birds, frogs, snails and deer.' 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Signs of Spring!

Spring officially begins on March 20th.  However, as you probably have noticed, signs of spring are everywhere.  Things are coming back to life.  Splashes of colour are magically appearing.  The days are now longer and people are out and about. I love to watch things come back to life in the spring.  It is my favourite season.  I have posted a picture I took of one of the most welcomed signs of spring...the daffodil.  It was the first flower that bloomed in a garden box outside the front door of the school...a one flower welcoming committee.  
Take a look around your neighbourhood and post in the comment section one or two signs of spring that you see.  In fact, if you'd like, send me a photo of a sign of spring with a sentence or two and I will post it on this blog.  

Friday, February 15, 2013

Places Around the World: In a Submarine near Hawaii

Quinn and Aerin recently visited Maui and sent the following information and photos to share with the class.                        Thank you, girls.

We went on a submarine.  We went to the bottom of the ocean, 130 feet below the surface.  I took this picture of calcareous algae.  It grows in marine waters around the world.  They can be pink but only ultraviolet light penetrates to the bottom of the ocean which is why they look grey.   The cells of the algae develop hard, calcium-like "calcareous" deposits which break free and form sand. (Quinn)

I took this picture of a Moorish Idol. It is my favourite kind of fish!  The stripes on a Moorish Idol's body make it hard for a predator to tell where the fish begins and ends.  The long, white dorsal fin makes the fish appear bigger than it is, so that it looks larger to predators.  It gets its name from the Moors of Africa, who believed the fish was a bringer of happiness. (Quinn)

The boat in the background was sunk on purpose.  It is called the Carthaginian Sailing Ship.  It is home to many types of coral and fish.  I saw an octopus near the sunken ship. (Aerin)