Monday, December 17, 2007

Holiday Time!

The holiday season has arrived, and not a moment too soon. I'm sure all of you are as ready for some fun and good family time as I am after working diligently since September. Various cultures hold celebrations at different times of the year. Some of you have the wonderful opportunity to see what happens during the holiday season outside of British Columbia. What a great experience! It would be excellent if you could share with us what is happening this time of year in the area that you reside or visit. Whether you live locally or abroad, it would be great to learn a little about a celebration that you participate in. There's a lot we can learn from each other.

Josh is visiting Italy this year and has forwarded some photos and the following write up.

Thank you Josh for your contribution!

Above is a photo Josh sent from Trento, Italy. He tells us the following: Trento is cold and damp. It has a big Christmas tree in one of the squares. There is a Christmas train that goes around some of the squares. There are lights that hang across the streets.

Holidays in Italy

When we got to Florence, we went to the Dome first. It is the largest dome made out of bricks in the world. They have a tower and a square---quite a large square. The square was full of people. The Dome's steps are on the inside. They are made of rock. There are 462 steps. There are lots of ventilation drafts as you go up. You can see out and take pictures through them. It took one hour to get to the top. Once you are at the top, you can see the whole of Florence, Italy.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

There's a chill in the air. The ground is littered in leaves. Excited children dressed in strange and unusual ways are parading through the neighborhood. It must be Halloween!

If you participate in Halloween, do you have a favorite costume or a funny or scary story to tell?

If you are overseas, do children there participate in a special day or event during this time of year?

Monday, October 22, 2007

Photos from Adam in Spain & Joshua in Italy!

Adam is a student in our class who is fortunate to be living and learning in Spain this year. He is visiting many historic sights and has forwarded the following photos taken at the Bode and Altes Museums to share with us.

The following photo shows the Bacharach fortress located on the Rhine. It is now called Burg Stahleckhostel and, as the name suggests, is used as a hostel for tourists.

Joshua is a student in our class who is currently in Italy having a fabulous time. He has sent three photos taken in Venice, Italy and has this to say about them.

1. This is Piazza San Marco where they have Carnivale and lots of pigeons.

2. This is a flying lion, a symbol of Venice.

3. This is the Rialto Bridge with a gondola going under it.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's Thanksgiving! What does Thanksgiving mean to us? A long weekend... A time to get together with friends and family...A time to eat turkey...A time to stop and give thanks for all the good things we have...
Thanksgiving probably means a little of all of these.

What do you know about the history of Thanksgiving in Canada? How did Thanksgiving start in Canada? Why do Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in October while Americans celebrate it in November?

I would like you to take some time to learn about the history of Canadian Thanksgiving. You can go to the website
for information. Then I would like you to post one new fact that you learned that you found most interesting about the history of Thanksgiving in Canada.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Italian Lizard

Joshua is in Italy and has submitted this photo and comment for the class blog.

This is a lizard. It is in Bolzano, just north of Trento. The lizard was up a mountain sunning itself on a fence it had crawled up on padded feet. We had to get close up to the lizard to take the picture and it just stayed there. This type of lizard is all over the place.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Summer Memories

Kiersten writes: I went to a farm to go horseback riding. Can you guess where I went. Here are 5 choices: Washington, North Vancouver, Tennessee, Hawaii, Fiji.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Welcome to the 2007/08 School Year!

What a great September! The summer weather is still with us. I'm sure you are all participating in a lot of outside activities and having a lot of fun. At the same time, we've begun our school schedule and have all begun to work on this year's program.

Given the hot weather and the energy in the air, it's easy to look back at our vacations and all the wonderful new memories we've collected. So, on that note, I decided it would be great to start this blog with photos of 'summer memories'. What I'd like you to do is to search through your summer photo collections and choose a photo you'd like to have posted on the blog. With the photo, please email a few sentences telling us about the photo. I will then post your photo and comments on the blog for you.

I've started our 'Summer Memories' collection by posting this photo taken during my vacation. I would like you to try and guess where this photo was taken and then post your guess on the 'Comments' section of this blog. After your guess, write your first name only.

Ready? Alright! Where do you think this photo was taken and why do you think that?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Cellphones----good or bad?

Cellphones, cellphones, and more cellphones! It seems that almost everyone has a cellphone these days. Those who don't have one, want one. Many children, teenagers and adults feel that a cellphone is absolutely necessary. Without it, they feel they are unable to do the things they need to do in a day. Meanwhile, researchers continue to warn people about the dangers of too much cellphone use and use at inappropriate times.

What do you think? Are cellphones a necessity or a luxury? Are they dangerous to your health? Who should have cellphones? When should they be used? When should they not be used? Do we need rules for regulating cellphone use? If so, what rules would you make? Do you have a cellphone? If not, why not? Do you want a cellphone? What would you use it for?

Take a few minutes to share your thoughts about cellphones.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Science World Fieldtrip

What a great day at Science World!
It was great to see so many students and parents. I thoroughly enjoyed our visit.
Sampling a Purdy's chocolate while learning about cocoa and the manufacturing of chocolate, to testing my ability to relax and move a ball through 'Mind Power' ,to going to the Omnimax and seeing the force of nature, to examining live insects at the Eureka Lab...I had a fabulous time.

Those of you who were able to join us, I'm sure you had an enjoyable experience also. I'd like you to share one thing that impressed you on the field trip. It may be one fact that you remember from watching the Omnimax film, or it could be something you learned at the insect or chemistry workshop, or it could be something you discovered at one of the galleries.

Those of you who were unable to join us, I'd like you to share an interesting fact or observation about a special place of interest that you may have visited recently. You may be overseas and visited a tourist attraction or you may tell us about something interesting in your neighborhood, perhaps a statue in a local park.

Monday, January 29, 2007


Here it is, the year 2007 and the world keeps changing and changing. We have no control over the speed in which things change. First it was books. Then we moved onto televisions. Now computers are everywhere. As you get older, you will have more and more decisions to make as to how you want to spend your time. I'd like you to rank the three(books, television, computer) in the order in which you spend your free time, from most to least. Also, a brief explanation telling why you spend your time in this way would be good.

As always, I'll start.

During the school year, given the 3 choices (books, t.v., computers) I spend more time watching television. This is partially because I'm a big hockey fan so this means watching games on television. In second place would be using my computer. I spend so much time on my computer at school, it's not as appealing to me after school. I spend the least of my time with books. This is because it takes me some serious time to find something I really want to read. Once I find something to read, I want to have the freedom of reading whenever I want throughout the day until I finish it. This usually means that I save reading until the summer.

So, that's me. What about you?

Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy New Year!

2007---Here we come!
A new year, a new start, and, a chance to make some New Year's Resolutions. What is a resolution? It's a commitment to try and make changes for the better. It gives you an opportunity to start fresh with renewed energy. So, now, let's do it. Let's decide what each of us wants to change for the better and how. When you've decided, post your New Year's Resolution.

What's my New Year's Resolution?

My first resolution is to deal with things sooner rather than put things off. I want to make a decision and follow through within a reasonable period of time---sooner rather than later.

My second resolution is to take at least thirty minutes a day to do some form of exercise. It's time to get moving!

Alright! It's your turn. What's your New Year's Resolution?