Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Welcome to 2013!

How Can Jeffrey Make a Difference?
Jeffrey is a ten year old boy who lives in Vancouver with his parents, 4 year old sister and 7 year old brother. Jeffrey has decided that he would like to do something special in the new year. He wants to make a difference so that things are better for either his family or friends or community. Jeffrey knows he is not going to be able to use money to do this because he doesn't have any money. He thinks about this for awhile and decides to make a list of possible things he could do.    

Let's help Jeffrey make a list.  Think about something special that Jeffrey could do to make things better for his family, friends, or community.  It doesn't have to be something huge.  It may be just a small thing that someone would find useful or helpful.  To help get ideas, think about what you could do to help around your home or community. When you have an idea, post it in the comment section of this blog. 


My four cats said...

Clean the house
Give hugs to family members and tell them what they are doing well
If there are family pets, help feed them
When friends are sick, call and check on them

Irene (K class)

Arlee said...

Get along with others by walking away from arguments
Recycle, and reuse items
Don't litter, and clean up after your pets
Help others when they need you
Protect and help animals, adopt from shelters
Collect money and food to help people in need
By sinea

Anonymous said...

When you go out,try not to drive your family's car and also go on bus,so that the air will be better.
Don't smoke,so that your body won't have lots of disease.

Respect each other,care for each other and serve each other so that there will be love in this world.

By: Ian C.

MS said...

Help your parents with housework

Call your grandparents or other elderly family members regularly and check on them

Remember your manners and try to be kinder to family members


Anonymous said...

I say we should not go anywhere taking cars we should walk cause when we walk we wont make pollution and we will even get exercise

Anonymous said...

those are all excellent ideas....we could try to look after animals. Some animals that are raised for food are not treated well, and we should try to be aware of where our food is coming from. We should remember our siblings always, even when new friends are around. Make friends with people who are kind on the inside.
Quinn and Aerin

Anonymous said...

You can clean up your toys when you are done playing with them. You can be nice to your sister or brother.
