The Winter Olympics are soon to begin here in Vancouver. I'm sure you have been hearing lots about them in the news and from family and friends. People have been talking about the Olympics coming to Vancouver for years. Vancouver has been getting ready for this event for years. Lots of changes have occurred in Vancouver to get ready for the Olympics. Lots of excitement is building around the city. People around the world will be watching and learning about Vancouver once the Olympic events begin.
There are people who believe the Olympics coming to Vancouver is fabulous and they want to see as much as they can and go to various free events being held around the city. Other people do not want to support the Olympics and do not even want to be in the city during this time.
How do you feel? Are you pleased to have the Olympics come here? If so, why? Or, do you feel that the Olympics are not a good idea. If so, why do you feel this way? Another way to think about this is ...if you had the power to decide to either have the Olympics happen in Vancouver or not happen in Vancouver, what would you decide and why?
I think it is nice to have the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver because it does not come to every town and city in Canada.
I am proud to have the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Many people would come to Vancouver. This makes our city more famous.
But I think people shouldn't put too much attention on things like sports, art and music. I watched an interview of a snowboarding athlete who quitted her job (accountant) for 8 years and get trained as an athlete. I don't agree with what she did. Snowboarding as a hobby is perfectly fine but quitting your job is incredible.
Newspaper reported that some teachers have to lose their jobs because the government is spending less on education. Some schools have to be closed, too. If the government does not have enough money, why is it spending money on training athelets? Which is more important, educating the young or training athelets?
I have heard alot about the 2010 Olympics. As a matter of fact I'm colecting olympic coins. I saw the mascots on the computer. Their names are Miga, Sumi and Quatchi. All of them represent the spirits of B.C. I think that the olympic games in Vancouver is very good!
I would like to see the Olympics because the athletes do cool tricks and moves. Unfortunately, I won't be able to see them because I am on a big journey through Asia. However, I am lucky to be away and not in school. I do miss my friends though.
Iknow the Olympics are coming to Vancouver but I really don't know if it is that great. I can't really go to anything because it costs so much to go to the really great stuff. I also watch how so many people are poor and what has happened to the people in Haiti, that to spend so much time and money on the Olympics doesn't seem the right thing to do. Nicole
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