Thursday, April 19, 2007

Cellphones----good or bad?

Cellphones, cellphones, and more cellphones! It seems that almost everyone has a cellphone these days. Those who don't have one, want one. Many children, teenagers and adults feel that a cellphone is absolutely necessary. Without it, they feel they are unable to do the things they need to do in a day. Meanwhile, researchers continue to warn people about the dangers of too much cellphone use and use at inappropriate times.

What do you think? Are cellphones a necessity or a luxury? Are they dangerous to your health? Who should have cellphones? When should they be used? When should they not be used? Do we need rules for regulating cellphone use? If so, what rules would you make? Do you have a cellphone? If not, why not? Do you want a cellphone? What would you use it for?

Take a few minutes to share your thoughts about cellphones.