Monday, December 03, 2012

Places Around The World: Hualien Ocean Park

This post was submitted by Ian who is visiting Taiwan with his family.  Thanks for sharing Ian!


Hualien Ocean Park 

I went to Hualien Ocean Park in Taiwan. It was so fun. I even saw dolphins there. They were doing tricks, and they can jump so high that they look like they’re flying. It’s so cool! 

 I went to the aquarium and saw sharks close up. (Some of them even look like they are smiling!) In the aquarium, I went into a glass tunnel. There was a school of fish swimming above my head. There even was an escalator there! I think this is my best trip ever! YAY! 

Monday, November 19, 2012

An Interesting Place to Visit: A Reptile Park in Osong, Korea.

This posting and images are sent by Judan who is currently living in Korea. Thanks for sharing, Judan.

This summer I visited a reptile park in Osong Korea.  The owner of the park has over 300 snakes and lizards.  He explains everything about them and lets people (those who want to!) hold them.  I learned a lot and I even volunteered to help out there.

Halloween Fun

This posting and image was forwarded by Martin.  Nice job on your pumpkin, Martin!  

Martin writes...
I dressed up as a firefighter for Halloween.  I liked all the candy and fireworks show.  I also carved a pumpkin, did crafts, and listened to ghost stories at the Tsawwassen Arts Centre.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Animals in the Wild: Black Bear in Ontario

Alyssa is a V. L. N. student currently studying in Ontario.  She submitted the following story and photos for our class blog.  Thank you, Alyssa!

We were on Lac Seul Lake near Scaler fishing. We looked up and saw a black bear swimming from the mainland to an island. We wanted to take a picture so we started up the boat and drove closer. We got pretty close, about 2 feet from the bear. He was really scared and started to swim away from us really fast so we shut the motor off and just watched him.

Now, watch the following video about 'Black bears'.  Then add a sentence to the comment section telling one thing you learned about black bears.
                        Black bear video.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A New School Year Begins!

Hi Everyone!  Welcome to September, 2012!  It's been a fabulous summer and the weather continues to be sooo good that it feels like summer still---well, actually, that's because it still is summer officially until
September 22nd. 
Not only are people enjoying the outdoors by continuing to go to the beach and doing all sorts of outdoor activities until late in the evening, but the local wildlife is out and about also.  You can still see butterflies and bees all around. If you listen, I'm sure you can hear lots of birds.
Birds...that is what this first blog is going to feature.  During this summer, I had the pleasure of being visited by a certain bird at usually around 6:00 in the morning.  I took some time to learn a little about this bird and I'd thought I'd share because I'm sure some of you have also seen and heard this bird too.
Above is a picture of the type of bird I had 'fun' listening to in the mornings.  Do you know what type of bird it is? 
If you said 'woodpecker', you are right!!
Here's a fun video for you to watch about one certain type of woodpecker - Woodpecker at Work.
Now, what I'd like you to do is visit this site (All About Woodpeckers) to find the answer to this question:
 #1 How are woodpeckers helpful to other birds?
Now visit this site (Woodpeckers Everywhere) to find the answer to question #2:  How long can a woodpecker's tongue be?
Once you find the answers,  post them in the comment section.  You can also post one more interesting fact that you learned while reading about this bird. (please put your initials at the end of your post so I know who posted the comment)
Have fun!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Showing Appreciation

 All of us have people who help us.  When we're young, we get help from family and friends every day.  As we grow we often still get help from family and friends, but now we are able to offer to help them too.  It's important to show appreciation for all the help we receive.  In Canada, we have set aside certain days to do this.  For example, in May, on the second Sunday of the month we celebrate 'Mother's Day'. Next month, we celebrate 'Father's Day' on the third Sunday of the month.
It's nice to recognize all the hard work parents do to make sure we can grow up in a safe and healthy way, but I'm sure we show our appreciation for the help we receive in many ways throughout the year, not just one day of the year. 
Let's start a collection of ideas.  In the comment section, tell how you or others show 'thanks' to people who are important to you and who help you throughout the year. 

Thursday, April 05, 2012

An Interesting Place to Visit: Richmond Nature House

Located in Richmond, B. C. is the Richmond Nature Park and Nature House.  The park has many interesting trails to stroll through and is home to a birch forest, a spongy bog, and, of course, birds. 
Levi, a  V.L.N. student, visited the Nature House which is located at the park.  They were showcasing a collection of reptiles.  Levi had the opportunity to ask questions, observe, and even hold the reptiles. There were turtles, geckos and bearded dragon lizards.  Levi had a great time and learned a lot. 

Thanks for sharing these photos, Levi.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

The 3 R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

We've probably all heard the message. The Earth's population continues to grow and we continue to use up more and more of the resources while creating more and more garbage. So what can we do about it?

The good thing is that we can all make a difference. It may not seem like much if we put our paper in the recycling 'blue' bin, but if everyone in the world does a little, it makes a big difference.

So...let's take a look at how people are trying to make a difference all over the world.

Lilly is in Japan and sent the following photos. Thank you Lilly.

Lilly is in Japan. She went on a city tour of Wakkanai, Japan. She visited a recycling depot and a solar panel site to conserve energy. Lilly sent us these photos of two Japanese sites that are trying to make a difference.

If you are able to visit a site that is working to make the Earth a better place, send me a photo with a few sentences about where it is and what is happening.

What about where you live? What is happening in your part of the world to help make the world a cleaner place to live? Is there any sign of reducing, reusing, or recycling (RRR)?

If so, tell us about what is happening where you are. Tell us what you may be doing or could do to help RRR. Why is it important? What would happen if we don't RRR?

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Wow! A brand new year full of new get the idea.

For many people the new year means a lot. They celebrate the new year in many different ways---fireworks, parties, resolutions, the polar bear swim...these are just a few ways people bring in the new year. People all over the world celebrate in their own way.

So I ask you...Do you celebrate the beginning of a new year? What did you do to bring in the 'new year'? If you are away from home, how did people celebrate in your part of the world? Do you think it is important to celebrate the beginning of a new year? Why is it important? If you think it's not that important, why not?