Monday, January 31, 2011

Poetry Writing

Here are a couple of examples of poetry written by two Grade 3 students. Both use some interesting vocabulary and are good examples of different types of poetry.
The first one is a stair poem written by Tara who recently acquired a pet hamster and wanted to write about her.

The second poem is a cinquain written by Nathaniel about himself.

If this inspires you to write and illustrate a poem, great! Forward it to me and I will post it to share with the class. Make sure the words are printed darkly with lots of spacing between the words so that the poem is easier to read. Also, include a coloured illustration as it shows up much better.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Horseback Riding in Malaysia (by Abderrahmane)

I live in the state of Pahang in Malaysia. I go to horseback riding classes twice a week. My teacher's name is Mr. Faisal. He trains horses on a farm.

In the picture, I am at my class riding. I am riding a horse named Casino. She is 30 years old. She used to be a jumping show horse.

Friday, January 07, 2011

2011---Here We Come!

A new year begins with all sorts of new prospects and starts. A chance to begin again or take on new challenges and make new dreams come true. In the spirit of renewed energy to make positive changes, I want you to think about your neighbourhood, your community. If you had the power to make one positive change in your neighbourhood that would make things better or people happier, what would that change be? The change may be a very simple one or it could be something huge. It could be something that is added to your neighbourhood or something that is removed. Think about it. Talk to your family about it. Once you have an idea for a positive change in your neighbourhood, post your suggestion in the comment section.

Here's an example of a change I'd love to see in my neighbourhood.
We have a small green island where 3 streets meet. I would love it if this could be converted into a mini sitting area with a huge shade tree planted surrounded by benches so that it would be a wonderful place for neighbours to sit and talk.

Now it's your turn to post your positive suggestion for your neighbourhood in the comment section.