Thursday, April 11, 2013

Signs of Spring in Vancouver (from Casey)

This is the road around my park that is next to my apartment.
These are the trees that me and my mom saw planted two Januaries ago. They are a little bit big now but they are still the ones that we saw planted two whole years ago.

This is the park next to my apartment. This is the park caretaker’s garden.
It’s always beautiful because she takes so much care of it and she looks after it. Every year she gives us some flowers.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Signs of Spring in Chungbuk, Korea (from Judan)

Bright, yellow magnolia buds, an orchard coming to life, and drawing sand pictures in the warmth of the sun are signs of spring that Judan enjoys in Korea.

Signs of Spring on Bowen Island (from Irene)

Irene writes 'I like baby animals being born in the spring---chicks, squirrels, birds, frogs, snails and deer.'